Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Flirt Cupcakes

I love a great many things, which I share with you via this list. But it recently dawned on me that I have been rather selfish in this love, as I haven't branched out and given this list some legs. So I decided to bring a little more life to this venture and share with you the people behind my loves. I was being rather procrastinatory about the whole thing; I wanted to do interviews and get the ball rolling but being me et all, it was off to a puttering start. But as the saying goes, "everything in due time". So I was letting time take its course and as if on cue,fate smoked me in the face or rather the mouth, in the form of a red velvet dream. I was initially going into Flirt Cupcakes to discuss the possibility of them being advertisers in the magazine that I work for, but the owner, Michelle, wasn't in. So I cut my losses and got a cupcake, I had made the journey so I figured the trip might as well be good for something. And if I may say or rather yell from the rooftops "I LOVE FLIRT CUPCAKES"! No really, I love them. Now I must tell you, I am not one for sweets, I like things salty, sort of like my personality, so for a cupcake to make this list is quite an achievement. It was red, smooth, creamy, melt in my mouth and nothing short of divine; after one bite I had to meet the masterminds behind this new sensation. Out of the divinity of that red velvet creation came the first ever LOVE LIST interview! In the 15 minutes that I spoke Michelle, I learned that she used to be a fashion designer, she is a full time hockey player and terrible cook; but, she is one sweet ass cupcake artiste! LoveList: What made you switch from designing clothes to designing cupcakes?
Michelle: I was looking for a new creative avenue. With the economy being the way it is, people are more inclined to spend $3.00 on a cupcake, then they are to spend $80 on a piece of clothing.

LoveList: The eat local movement is really gaining speed. How do you feel about eating local and what do you do to support the community?
Michelle: Since becoming a part of the local food community, my view on the local movement has definetly changed. I would rather support the local market or vendor, than give to the big guy. Supporting local is also a great way to build the community.

LoveList: Food is about inspiration, where do you get inspired?
Michelle: I travel a lot and I take inspiration from those travels. I travel to California quite frequently, due to the cupcake boom they have experienced. There are so many places to draw ideas and inspiration from and I bring those ideas back to Flirt.

LoveList: How long was Flirt in your dreams, before it became a reality?
Michelle:I was driving on my birthdy last year and it hit me, this is what I need to be doing. I should be making cupcakes. In terms of planning, it was about 5 months from planning to opening.
LoveList: How did you and your partner Rick become business cohorts?
Michelle: We play hockey together. He overheard myself talking about this cupcake idea and his ears perked up and we went from there. In the beginning, Rick and I were still working at our other jobs, working full time in the shop and playing hockey full time; but, after about 2 months, we were able to hire some staff to relieve the pressure.

LoveList: Where do you see Flirt in 5 years?
Michelle:We want to expand but still maintain the boutique feel. The goal is 3 locations. We want to maintain the standards and quality that have been crucial to our success, keeping things fresh and authentic.
Long story short folk, you should go. NOW, don't delay. The cupcakes are delicious and the staff and owners are friendly. Your sweet tooth will thank you!
Hours of Operation
Monday Noon-5pm
Tuesday to Saturday 11am-6pm
10158 82 avenue 780.757.4899

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